Amphibians are one of the most interesting groups of animals on this planet.

According to the research, published in the magazine ZooKeys, it is a new species of glass frog, which has been given the scientific name of Hyalinobatrachium yaku, and is distinguished from its congeners by presenting dark green dots on the head and the back of the body.

However, H. yaku has very particular characteristics. Although some frogs of the genus Hyalinobatrachium have a completely transparent belly, so that all the internal organs are visible, in the case of the Yaku crystal frog the pericardium – the membrane that surrounds the heart – is also transparent and allows to see the red color of the blood; another characteristic that distinguishes it from its congeners is its song of high tonal notes.

dfdreet (1).jpgIs so beautiful!!

The Yaku crystal frog was found only in three locations in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador, at elevations of 300 to 360 meters, and although it is not yet determined if it is in danger of extinction, scientists warn that the region where it was discovered the new species presents oil and mining exploitation activities and deforestation problems.



National Geographic en español . (2017-06-07). Nueva especie de rana de cristal descubierta en Ecuador. 20/12/2017, de National Geographic Sitio web:


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