
Rafflesia arnoldii

Known as ‘the flower of rot’ is a plant that parasitizes a type of vine in the rainforests of Sumatra and Indonesia and is one of the three national flowers of this country. It is the largest known flower: it can reach a meter in diameter and weigh 11 kilos. It has neither leaves, nor stems, nor roots, then it does not carry out photosynthesis, and its smell … is horrible.


Welwitschia mirabilis

Discovered in 1859 by the Austrian botanist Friedrich Welwitsch (hence its name), it is endemic to the Namibian desert and is considered by some to be a living fossil. The most significant thing is its longevity: it can live two millennia.



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Pennantia baylisiana

Discovered in 1945, it is endemic to the Three Kings, a group of 13 islands located 55 km from the North Island of New Zealand. Its rarity is that only one specimen is known, or exists, that lives on a stony slope on the north side of the Grand Island of the aforementioned archipelago. It is believed to be a female tree, but it is still a matter of discussion.

In this link you can see more plants:



MA. Sabadell . (2016). Las plantas más raras del plane. 20/12/2017, de MUY INTERESANTE Sitio web:

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