The ant called "Camponotini" become "zombies", being infected and kidnapped by the fungus "Cordyceps unilateralis". The fungus finds its way under the exoskeleton of the ant, begins to consume soft tissue and takes control of your body. The fungus continues to grow and rotting inside the ant's body. The ant ends his life as a prisoner... Continue Reading →

The only immortal species on Earth is a transparent jellyfish called Turritopsis nutricula that measures up to a maximum of 4.5 millimeters. He is able to return to his juvenile form (polyp) after reaching his sexual maturity, through a cellular process of transdifferentiation. Theoretically, this cycle can be repeated indefinitely, presenting itself as biologically immortal.... Continue Reading →


The sky seems to be blue due to the way the atmosphere interacts with the sun's rays. White light, like that emitted by the sun, is composed of many different colors of light, each with its own corresponding wavelength. When this light encounters matter, various effects may occur because it changes speed as it travels from... Continue Reading →


In fact, insects (and other groups of arthropods, molluscs, etc.) do not have exactly blood, but a similar liquid that is called "Hemolymph" ("Heme" means blood). This liquid has very variable colors, from orange to greenish, having cases in which it is colorless. Its color is due to different pigments, most of which depend on... Continue Reading →


Sequoiadendron giganteum is the genus of the largest tree species in the world. They belong to the family of the Cupresaceae (Taxodiaceae) and there is only one species within this genus, which is commonly known as the giant sequoia, the velintonia or simply as the great tree. These trees are found in the United States... Continue Reading →


Rafflesia arnoldii Known as 'the flower of rot' is a plant that parasitizes a type of vine in the rainforests of Sumatra and Indonesia and is one of the three national flowers of this country. It is the largest known flower: it can reach a meter in diameter and weigh 11 kilos. It has neither... Continue Reading →


Amphibians are one of the most interesting groups of animals on this planet. According to the research, published in the magazine ZooKeys, it is a new species of glass frog, which has been given the scientific name of Hyalinobatrachium yaku, and is distinguished from its congeners by presenting dark green dots on the head and... Continue Reading →


The narwhal or "Marine Unicorne" is a cetacean mammal that lives in extremely cold waters, especially in the Arctic and the North Atlantic. This animal is of big dimensions, being able to reach the 5 meters in length. But this is not its main characteristic. The narwhal has only two tusks in its mouth, and one of them,... Continue Reading →


In vegetal World we can find a tumors like in a human or in animals, this is due to hormones what can be like plant's defence, the tolerance for environmental stress, or those who involved in the growth and development. The two main hormones related to plant growth are the auxins and cytokinins, whose concentration... Continue Reading →

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